Meeting the Creek

When I was first invited to the creek, the internet wasn’t a word and phones hung on the wall. The creek house didn’t have a phone. After driving my 72 VW BUG from Virginia Beach to Stafford, I was instructed to call a neighbor’s house from the High’s Ice Cream payphone on Route 1. I knew this ahead of time and STILL had to search for a quarter - good thing Michele Gebler, now Hackworth, tossed her coins into her purse and missed 75% of the time! Anyways, I called the number, the neighbors ran across the yard to get Jim, so he could explain the rest of my journey - social network of the 80’s. Good thing Jim talked me through those directions; the drive was like jumpin’ down a rabbit hole! Country roads, cricket music, and a variety of night critters jumpin’ out to say,’hey!' Once I turned onto Woodrow Dr, the only light came from the moon, stars, and glittering water … it was just beautiful and I was in love with the place. Met Jim’s parents for a split second, he rushed me to th...