Locks on the Erie Canal - According to Paige

How a Lock Works: According to Me Ashley Hon asked me how a lock works and I had to really think about it. Here is the explanation according to how I see the locking-world: The Erie Canal will move up and down hills - like stairs. A lock has a dam on one side (constant controlled water flow for the canal) and the actual lock on the other. The lock is like a long passage with two doors: Eastbound and Westbound - big enough for 10 boats- 5 on each side. To prepare for a lock, you need to wear a life jacket and gloves and place every bumper you have on both sides of your boat (dramatic). We added two A3 red bumper balls to our collection before we left Stafford (brilliant). In MY opinion we need more of those A3s. LegaSea is traveling East going West, Westbound. When Jim calls the Lack Master, he requests a Westbound Passage and the Lock Master will open the East gate (the West gate remains closed to either hold back water in the canal above us or prevent us from flooding the canal be...