DAYS 50-53: Cleveland to Put-In-Bay, OH

Cleveland to Put In Bay Island OH: 11.1 mph; 58.2 miles; 5:18 hours IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE MICHIGAN & GREAT LAKES: Michigan Harbors are operated by the state: the site includes information for the Ohio area as well. The site has a sliding scale with set prices. It was pretty helpful when we planned our next stop. I decided to download the pdf and have all the marina numbers with amenities in one place. If you are making a last minute reservation, ditch the app and call the marina directly. Put-In-Bay, OH B Dock is the place to stay, during the week: $2.00/ft with electric and water. The bathrooms are free to the community in the downtown area but the showers are, wait for it, bought with tokens. A $3.00 token will get you 8 minutes in the shower. You could buy two tokens for $5.00/20 minutes. I have no idea if the water is instantly hot or not. I was of the mindset - boat hair don’t care. This island is so differen...