2018-19: Changing Course

Independent Insights – Change is Good - Travelweek

After the Lookout Point Panic, Jim suggested I take swimming lessons. 

Well, nothing is available for adults; so, I joined the local recreation center and began to swim 3 times a week before school. I didn't want to panic again during a situation that simply required a level head. 

Once a week I would try to swim in the 12’ section of the pool - still an issue but I managed. My swim partners were all 70+ years of age and encouraged me to keep practicing; in return, I learned all about their lives and grandchildren. It’s good for the soul to listen to the joy in someone's heart.

Jim began to ‘entertain’ the idea of the Loop in earnest. YouTUBE videos titled the ‘Joys of Looping’ would randomly pop up in the search; there was a theme, all the videos included one reluctant-boater who was magically converted to the ways of the sea. He’d just look over at me and smile. I acted like I didn't care but I was watching from the corner of my eye saying nothing. Actually, I was looking for the ONE video where people were attacked by pirates or rouge squid.

Jim had been studying my charts for over 30 years’ without making a wake; I started asking questions.

In the Spring of 2019, I mentioned to my principal that I would be taking a leave of absence sometime during the next couple of years to travel the Great Loop - not sure she believed me at first. The following Fall, my colleagues selected me as teacher of the year and I had zero idea how to react to such an incredible honor. Along with my acceptance came a condition - “You have to remain a SCPS teacher for the 2020-21 school year.” I accepted the honor and it came with a fancy parking spot.

Who knew all hell was about to break loose in the world come March 15, 2020.


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