Last Sunset on Aquia Creek VA

I love the Creek. 

The Curry Family had us over for dinner … and the entire community showed up! How much fun was that! I cannot thank the Curry Family enough for such a special night. We have the best friends and community on the planet!

Sound carries on the creek. Right now I’m listening to bunch of laughter coming from Jack’s Garage - something about us and an over under bet. Who knows what they are up to! I'm sure money is involved! Did Linda just say something about Life Insurance Policies?

I really love these people.

We think we have everything covered and every checklist has been checked three times. Our adult children are perfectly capable of taking care of things here. Pearson has turned into a wonderful man and will take care of the yard and house maintenance. Sara has blossomed into a beautiful young lady and will take care of the house and animals. We even have a renter for the River House. I guess all I need now is a perfect bourbon and a good nights sleep.

Our goal tomorrow is St Mary’s, Maryland.


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