It's Official: We leave June 2021

The Great Loop Completed - Heartland Classics

I was granted a Leave of Absence from SCPS for the 2021-22 school year. Not an easy letter to write but a load off my mind and it settles health insurance. I have been working since I was 15 when dad wrote a letter to Burger King giving me permission to work (I wanted concert tickets to see Foreigner 4 with the Police). 

I have NO IDEA what it is like to NOT WORK. Jim is supportive; he suggested I look at this as 'testing retirement' - that I can do. Teacher friends have a LOT of questions and I am still figuring out answers. "It's so unlike you..." is a common comment. Is it really? Ok, maybe it is unlike me because I am a thinker and planner - Looping has a lot of Plan A, B, C, D ... maybe an E ...

I think this is a most disturbing only because it is a change. NOAA no longer provides paper charts; instead, they have a list of independent companies that will create the charts on-demand. The prices are outrageous and none of the packages are REALLY packages - usually they include a few maps you won't need for the trip - like New England - love the place but not boating there at this time. 

I really love paper charts. They are the original 'google' for me. I love exploring them - now they are essentially gone. On the Loop, if boarded by the US Coast Guard, you must be able to present charts on demand. Charts are provided digitally, free of charge, through NOAA. Let's think about that for a minute. You are on a boat, on the hook and we are asked to provide electronic maps ... what if your device dies?! Canada will throw you in jail for anything. I understand the progress of technology but sometimes - simple is best - like paper charts. In the end, we went electronic and Jim promised me no jail time.

It’s crazy how much money goes into preparing for this trip. I'm not extravagant by nature and typically don't get over my skiis when spending and what Jim and I find necessary are polar opposite. Just a random example, when Jim turned 30, a hurricane came through and took the dock. Jim began to reconstruct the dock - I really didn't understand his thinking - one hurricane took it so another will take it too. Why waste money. We think so differently and maybe that's why we have worked so well together all these years - I bought a Tilley. Oh, and by the way, I'm glad he rebuilt the dock.

The Virginia/Maryland Boat Show tour is beginning and Jim is looking at chart plotters, new radar, curtains with screening … so many moving parts. A lot of ordering needs to happen now but a lot more installation needs to happen the week before we leave. 

To top everything off, YouTube videos are beginning to show Loopers during foul weather. Why? Is this one of his damn learning moments?! When we're Looping, it'll always be summer - right? What’s this weather stuff all about? And what was that video about a mid-night run through the Gulf of Mexico? Wait a minute ... hey!


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