The R2T2: A Pandemic Solution

Geez, what else would 2020 throw our way? Jim surprised me with the gift of a lifetime - a never splashed, 2010 T2 Hobie Cat. I named her the R2T2. Did he REALLY just give me a Hobie? Was he trawling my CraigsList searches? How could he have known the joy this little boat would bring?

Sailing is laughter, tears, fun, hard, effortless and a challenge. Sailing, in short, will teach you the life lessons you need to get through the day: leave the dock - return to the dock - doing both gracefully is a bonus. Sailing also teaches you about friendships: there are those who praise and those who tease - pick the friends that makes you a better sailor.

Every parent should toss their 9 year old on a Sunfish and push them off the dock - what's the worse that could happen? Really. We discussed the potential to panic-so-wear-a-life-jacket issue so all a parent would have to do is loudly coach 'em through - kiddos get it quicker than we think. This sailboat is the single best, and most strategic, gift he has ever given to me.

We pulled R2T2 out of the water in October 2020. Jim Beck, and Brian Ballard, suffered though EVERY QUESTION I COULD THINK OF - OMG! I appreciate that they offered help and coached me instead of doing if for me. However, when parking R2T2 for the winter, Jim drew the line when I asked him to remove all the trees around her. What if something happens to her while we are gone?! Does the man not understand that she is my sweet baby boat?!

I can see her from the window each morning - I should go across the street and check the locks to make sure she's safe.


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