RIVER SYSTEM: DAYS 119: Goat Island to Bay - Bay Springs Lake

OCTOBER 17th! Happy Birthday to my Sweet Sara. 

This is the first time in 27 years I haven’t seen her face 

and squeezed her on her birthday. I’m not ok with that.

Goat Island to Bay Springs Anchorage: 8.8 mph; 34.8 miles; 4:06 hours

I am pushing for shorter travel time in order to gain more exploring time. We are way ahead of the pack so we have time to pace ourselves and see the fall colors.

Bay Springs Lake mm 412.2: Anchorage

This was a perfect little cove behind the Visitor Center’s peninsula before the Whitten Lock. Easy and calm with lots of paddle room for the board and kayak. The Visitor Center has a small museum that was closed due to Covid but we hear it’s nice. 

The cove we anchored in has a rickety old boat house with a rickety old dock and government signs warning against trespassing. We paddled over, tied onto the dock below the sign, and walked up the steep hill to the back of the visitor center. This place is really beautiful. During our hike, we noticed a much nicer dinghy dock on the other side of the peninsula; I suggest using the nicer dock for those faint at heart. 

Across from the anchorage is another anchorage with a tidy boat ramp. It has trash cans if you need to dispose of anything. I loaded up the paddle board and went on over.


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