RIVER SYSTEM: DAYS 113-115 : Ginger Cove - Pebble Isle Marina - Kelly’s Island

Green Turtle Bay to middle of lake for some quick skiing: 3.4 mph; 1087 yds; 0:12 hr

Skiing to Ginger Cove: 7.7 mph; 29.5 miles; 3:57 hours

Ginger Cove to Pebble Isle Marina: 7.5 mph; 43.3 miles; 5:53 hours

Pebble Isle Marina to Kelly’s Island: 7.8 mph; 47.2 miles; 6:04 hours

October 11, 2021: The leaves are beginning to change. We really wanted to see this.

Land Between the Lakes: Ginger Cove: ANCHORAGE

Watch your charts coming into this cove. Once you're inside, it is peaceful, quiet and has great holding! The boat didn’t budge an inch! Jimmy took the kayak to fish and tour the area. There is NO CELL COVERAGE - like at all - nothing. Time to inflate the paddle board.

We stayed an extra day due to high winds on the lake - been there - done that - don’t need to repeat.

Pebble Isle Marina TN:

$1.35 ft: electric/water; showers/bathroom; courtesy car.

Pebble Isle Marina is located in Waverly, TN. The town just experienced a devastating catastrophe three weeks ago where 22 souls were lost because of 14-17” of rain and a CSX train bridge wasn’t maintained properly. The debris acted as a dam; when the water toppled the bridge, the unsanctioned dam failed and the small creek bed was flooded within 23 minutes - 500 houses and businesses along the creek were demolished. 

Between Pebble Isle Marina and Kelly’s Island: 

Our next stop was supposed to be Birdsong Marina because they have a freshwater pearl farm; however, because the river is so low, we were unable to approach the marina.

Kelly’s Island: Anchorage

The Tennessee River really picks up the current against you in these-here-parts. We were headed for an anchorage at Double Island but underestimated the strength of the river current. We needed to drop anchor before the sun went down and Kelly’s Island was our back up. It's a beautiful anchorage. Go past the little island to give it a wide berth, then turn in for 16-20’ of good holding mud.

The Next Day: 

When passing Double Island Anchorage, we thought it too would have been perfect.

There are a lot of homes on this river - all on stilts starting at where the second story would be. Some are elaborate shelters with campers, full homes, or a trailer on stilts. The docks are wider and close to shore.


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