RIVER SYSTEM: DAYS 116-117 : Zippy’s Branch Cove - Safe Harbor Aqua Yacht Marina

Kelly’s Island to the Pickwick Lock: 7.6 mph; 61.1 miles; 7:59 hours

Pickwick Lock to Zippy's Branch Cove: 7.0 mph; 8.9 miles; 1:16 hours

Zippy’s Cove to Safe Harbor Aqua Yacht Marina: 4.5 mph; 1.7 miles; 0:23 hours

LOCK: Pickwick Lock & Dam: UP 55’

Floating Bollards. We needed to tie to a boat on our port side. The Captain was a hired professional transporting the boat, and its owner, to Alabama. Great people to tie with. Love seeing that "New Boat Look" on the owner's face.


DECISION TIME: Joe Wheeler or Mobile Alabama?

We could continue on to Mobile or go Joe Wheeler for the AGLCA Rendezvous?

Pickwick Marina: The Pickwick Lock empties into Pickwick Lake and the first marina you pass is the Pickwick Landing State Park Marina along the RDB. It’s about $1.10/ft and a pretty nice looking place where you can rent paddle boards, canoes, and kayaks to explore. It also has a restaurant, golf course, and venues. Seems like a pretty happening place.

Traveling past the first marina, you come to the middle of the lake where three states intersect: Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee. We could continue down the lake and head towards Joe Wheeler State Park (Rogersville, Alabama) for the annual AGLCA Fall Rendezvous. Or we could navigate toward the Grand Harbor and Safe Harbor Aqua Marinas to take the Yellow River, along the Tombigbee, heading towards Mobile, Alabama and the Gulf of Mexico. Double check your charts in this area, things get a little upside-down.

The Tenn-Tom, Tennessee-Tombigbee, is described a lot of different ways. Some people say it starts at Paducah, KY and some people refer to it the entire distance from Green Turtle Bay to Mobile, AL. The truth is that it begins on the Tennessee River at Pickwick Lake .

What about the Joe Wheeler Fall Rendezvous?

The rendezvous is packed with information and answers you need to complete the Great Loop; this information is also available throughout the year via the AGLCA membership website. The extra you get is the camaraderie of like-minded people embarking on the same journey from different walks of life. You really can’t beat that last reason.  

Not all attendees arrive by boat; a lot of folks fly or drive to the event. I wonder why the location doesn’t change. There must be a reason, weather? Space? Joe Wheeler only has 184 permanent slips and 64 transient slips - surely there are larger marinas that could better support the number of arriving boats and accommodations for land-walkers attending the event like Alton.

We decided to not attend the event and will catch up with all our Looper friends in Florida.

Zippy’s Branch Cove: Anchorage

This is a beautiful 15’ depth anchorage with safe space for four boats. There was barely a current - we tossed that stern anchor anyways. The Mississippi River is still fresh in my mind.

Alternative Anchorages

If Zippy’s Cove is full, just past this anchorage is Lucy’s Cove at 20’ depth with enough space for two boats; followed by Yellow Island with 8-10’ depth and enough space for one boat. 

Safe Harbor Aqua Yacht Marina: Mouthful

$1.35/ft: electric/water; shower/bathroom;  coin-operated laundry; restaurant; pool; spotty wifi. We are here for one night. Communication between marina and transient boaters is as weak as the wifi signal - which was null.


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