RIVER SYSTEM: DAYS 138: Mile Marker 318 Hairston Bend Anchorage - 265 South of Heflin Lock Anchorage

318 Hairston Bend Anchorage to 307 Bevill Lock: 7.1 mph; 11.6 miles; 1:37 hours

307 Bevill Lock to 266 Heflin Lock: 8.5 mph; 39.3 miles; 4:39 hours

266 Heflin Lock to 265 South of Heflin Lock Anchorage: 3.6 mph; 1533 yds; 0:14 hours

Mile Marker 318 Hairston Bend to 307 Tom Bevill Lock: DOWN 27’

  • Floating Bollards

307 Tom Bevill Lock to 266 Howell Heflin Lock: DOWN 36’

  • Floating Bollards

266 Howell Heflin Lock to 265 South of Heflin Lock Anchorage

  • Great Anchorage; 20-30’; mud/good holding and room for LOTS of boats!

  • Cell Service!! YES!!

We came across our friend, the Micasa sailboat, and asked him to have dinner with us. 

We met Micasa in Midway and really enjoyed his company. Such a great guy!


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