RIVER SYSTEM TO PANHANDLE: DAY 142: Tensaw River Anchorage - EHL 144 Edith Hammock Anchorage, Mobile Bay ALABAMA!

39 Tensaw River Anchorage to 144 EHL Edith Hammock Anchorage in Mobile Bay: 

10.0 mph; 81.6 miles; 8:09 hours

39 Tensaw River Anchorage to 144 EHL Edith Hammock Anchorage:

  • Along the route, everything looked like the day before - will this ever end?

  • Somewhere, along the way, I caught a whiff of brackish mud and my mood changed - getting closer to saltwater and that’s a good thing. 

  • When we entered the Mobile Bay shipping area, things REALLY changed, there was so much traffic and the wind increased. All these vessels are loading and unloading containers for distant lands. They are so big!!!

  • IMPORTANT: You need to stay in the shipping channel as much as possible to catch the Gulf ICW channel - things are not as they seem in these waters - do NOT trust was maps tell you - it gets shallow - and quick - outside the channel - trust me.

  • Looking for the shrimp boat Jenny from the movie, Forrest Gump

    I'm totally thinking back to Tom's River when I was quoting the movie - there will be no quotes tonight :)

Once in the bay, we were greeted by pelicans and a few different pods of dolphin. SOOOO much fun watching them work and play.

We anchored with a few shrimp boats and the sunset was impossibly beautiful.

Made reservations for tomorrow night, Wednesday, at the Wharf Marina. Then Thursday, in Pensacola FL at Daybreak Marina; the owner, Jake Adams, is Jay Bradshaw’s friend - that creek connection coming through!


greatloop.org has a fella who has volunteered his time to helping loopers with the nighttime crossing fof teh Gulf from Carrabelle. Day crossers, the go fast boats, will need to call and ask for his advice. 

The Gulf ICW is measured from the Harvey Lock in NOLA; we will travel East of Harvey Lock: EHL. Transient slips may be harder to come by now that we are in crowded Florida.


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