DAYS 264-265: B&B Seafood to Charleston SC

B&B Seafood to Charleston: 8.0 mph; 45.0 miles; 5:38 hours

Safe Harbor Charleston Marina

$2.25/ft plus electric; huge marina, showers/bathroom and coin-operated laundry. 

The staff was so helpful - I can’t say enough. The marina tries to put transients on the inside edge so we can dock easy and leave clean. We'll be here a few days because of projected winds on Saturday: 20-30 mph with gusts to 40+ mph. A cold front will hit after the wind storm and it sure is nice hooking to shore power for some heat.

Next to the Marina

The Marina Variety Store and Restaurant (really just a restaurant) is next to the marina with great she-crab-soup. It looks like Safe Harbor has big plans for this waterfront site - lots of construction.


We walked about a mile to to Historic Charleston. The houses here are just like I remembered them - stunning. There are so many shops and restaurants. Charleston seems to be a destination for bridal parties, weddings, and large celebration events. If you live here, and can’t find something to do, shame on you!

There is a ton of history here; it should all be taught and remembered. Keeping the old statues and adding new historical statues or plaques is a better way to make certain history will not repeat itself. Think about it, three generations from now, if all the older stautes are gone and a balance of statues or plaques are not erected, how will the future generations truly understand the first 150 years of America’s development? How will they know how the generations before them overcame atrocities? How will they see the signs of a repeating history?

NOTE: Make sure to fuel up and pump-out in Charleston; the trip to Georgetown is long and deserted.


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