PERSONAL SIDE TRIP: DAYS 286-288: Ocracoke to Manteo - Colington - Elizabeth City NC for Dismal Swamp Route

Ocracoke to Manteo FREE Dock: 8.2 mph; 66 miles; 8:03 hours

Manteo to the Bryskis Dock in Colington: 7.0 mph; 12.4 miles; 1:46 hours

Colington to Elizabeth City: 8.3 mph; 34.7 miles; 4:11 hours

Ocracoke to Manteo

There is a big difference between 1-2 foot waves and 3-4 foot waves. The weather predicted one but gave us the other for 6 straight hours. The front berth has a hatch with a leak; with calmer waters, I leave the hatch unlocked to stop water from dripping onto the birth below. Well, dang nabbit! I should have checked that hatch. Two hours into this cowboy ride, I SAW the hatch lift when we tucked our nose into a wave. It was like someone throwing buckets of salt water into the boat. What could I do but clean it up? I’m the one who left the hatch unlocked … we were supposed to have 1-2 foot seas … I wanted 1-2 foot seas …

Manteo FREE Dock

This is a cool spot for Loopers. The free slip and bulkhead are located in downtown Manteo. You won’t have any amenities but there is a pump-out station. There was suppose to be a dock master but we never met him and he never answered the phone. 

There is a park across the bridge you can walk through and it's really nice.

Private Dock in Colington NC

Danny and Julie Bryski are fun to spend time with - then Val and Paul joined us for dinner - what a blast. We last saw them in Saugatuck Michigan. Julie offered up her washer and dryer - that means so much to a Looper (especially after the saltwater/hatch issue).

Lala, Lucian and Skyler Acuff were at the beach for Spring Break and stopped by for a few minutes; it was good to see them.

Jack Brown Restaurant 

This is the best hamburger you will ever have. The interior decorating will have you looking all over at posters, stickers, license plates, some odd Dr Seuss animal head on the wall … just a fun place with great food and music. Yard games are out back.

Billy’s Seafood

Never disappoints! 

Elizabeth City NC: Dismal Swamp Route

On our way to Elizabeth City we saw this enormous hanger. Jim did a little sleuthing and found out it's a hanger from WWII for blimps! What?!

Elizabeth City has a FREE dock on tip of the downtown area. The docks are rough and free for 72 hours (questionable public shower/bathroom behind the green door with the awning - trust me, look right and you’ll see it). The slips are better than the bulkhead but not by much. You will need to watch for jetting nails and bolts. Elizabeth City was once a hopping town and seems to be in a state of urban renewal with breweries, hip restaurants, and a few shops. I wish them well; they could attract so much business with a hip downtown and better docks (even if they are FREE).

LESSON LEARNED: MM 50.6 PAST the US 158 Highway Bridge you’ll find the Mid-Atlantic Christian University 48-hour FREE Dock (water, showers/bathroom, wifi, laundry, plus more amenities) with excellent reviews. This is a much nicer facility; all you have to do is call and let them know you’re on the way: 252-334-2000; 336-681-0575; after hours 336-681-0575.

Around Town

The Market

Great sandwiches and pre-made meals to go. Really liked the staff too - good people.

Hoppin Johnz Restaurant

This little restaurant has a great atmosphere. The Old Fashion … well, not great. I might be a little snobbish but the drink is a cocktail, not a fruit cocktail. An Old Fashion is simple and perfect in its simplicity. If you have a smoker, all the better; if you don’t have a smoker then don’t use ‘smoked bitters’ and for goodness sakes - one cherry at most!

We also spent time in the local museum across the street - it was nice and they take pride in their accomplishment.


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